GRASP-IT - Browseable Knowledge, Easy to Grasp  
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Grasp-It is exactly what it says it is: a tool for making knowledge easier to grasp.

"Grasp-it does indeed seem to me to offer an eminently sensible tool to aid analysts, decision-makers and (crucially) other interested parties to get a better grasp of the key drivers, loose ends and open implications in contending understandings of complex and uncertain policy problems"
Dr. Andrew Stirling, Professor of Science and Technology Policy, University of Sussex, UK


Switzerland: Länggassstrasse 30, 3012 Bern     T: +41 (0)31 6312928        F: +41 (0)31 6312932             E:

  UK: 4 Addison Avenue, London W11 4QR         T: +44 (0)20 7603 6553     F: +44 (0)20 7602 8089          E: